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Special Project for Children 2022

A Campaign for the Affected Families During the Typhoon Odette in Sayak, Siargao

On December 16, 2021, Typhoon Rai, a category 5 Super Typhoon, also known as Typhoon Odette in the Philippines made landfall over Siargao Island with winds reaching 260 km per hour, leaving a trail of death and destruction. There are more than 530,000 houses that were seriously damaged. After hearing the devastating news, Rev. Roy and his team started a campaign to help children and families who were greatly affected by the typhoon, particularly in the village of Sayak where Ms. Rose Walsh lives. 

Rev. Roy and Ms. Walsh have known each other for more than 15 years. Rose Walsh has been the elected community leader of Sayak since 2013.  She and her administrative team will facilitate the evaluation of needs, purchase and delivery of materials to each recipient in the village. Because of this, Rev. Roy was confident that all funds would successfully reach the family of Sayak.

In January, they began raising donations through various means online, especially in Go Fund Me website and through a golf tournament led by Mr. Roger Williams and Bill Walsh. They were able to raise a total of slightly more than $25,000 online and over $4,000 in a charity golf tournament in Angeles City.

The team was able to provide roofing materials and plywood to approximately 250 homes in Sayak. More than half of these homes are occupied by children and the materials enabled the families to get out from under the continuing rain of the four month rainy season and protect everyone from the intense tropical sun when it wasn't raining. The repairs began in early January and will hopefully be completed before the end of August, 2022.

In June, Rev. Roy traveled over 500 miles to the village of Sayak for the first time to personally meet the children and their parents whose homes were repaired.

The newly elected Mayor greeted and thanked Rev. Roy for helping the citizens of Sayak.

Video of the families expressing their gratitude.

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